Sunday, April 8, 2012

Easter Sunday-Franklin Graham

   For Christians this is a wonderful day. Where I live as silly as it sounds I love to see the balloons swaying in the wind, tied to post all over the town square until they reach a farmers fence. This was a first Easter Sunday I missed church, but I did listen to Franklin Graham if that counts. He is a newer version of his father who I met when he cane to Brooklyn years ago.
    Billy Graham was a guest on May 17th, Norwegian independence day and the parade ended at Lief Ericson park where Billy Graham preached. I think it was at that time that I sort of fell in love with church and all the goodness it had to offer. Yes, I knew about the hypocrites. They are just as much alive today as they were then. They just dressed different.
  I wonder though, how did hunting for eggs and a getting an Easter basket come in to play with Easter. Who was the man who thought of that. I do think it was a man at that time. They know how women love to buy and make thing for their kids. Okay go look it up. If it was a woman, shame on you, if a man, it's expected, sorry but that's my belief.
  Okay back to Franklin Graham. He isn't as public as his father, prefers to stay behind the scenes and is deeply involved in missionary work which was nice to learn and watch. I appreciate men like him and I even know a few. They are rare, but they are there. Happy Easter everyone. Oh by the way, while in the midst of this I went to a store and only saw on e balloon. Boy was I deflated! I thought what happened, people gave up, no one cares?
   So after my stop as I near town I see them, the balloons and it brought a smile of
okay, now this is right, this feels just right. I don't have the nerve to go on people's property, or I would do it. Nothing makes me more happy, than balloons and kids.
Well also singing old time religion songs, like A might Fortress is our God, and for today it would Be, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia!

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