Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nancy Smith & a Prosecutor

     If ever there was a case of collusion this was it. A blood thirsty prosecutor and two women with a drug past, a recent history of selling and more one for praise and maybe a promotion, and two for the money.
      I watched and listened carefully, well as much as I can pay attention. About five children were carefully prompted, promised and whatever else to accuse a man and a woman, no relation to one another, didn't even know one another. A black man, unsure of his exact name and he had enough of a mistake and a white woman. Their lawyer made mistakes but worse, the prosecution would not allow certain witnesses. Questions were not asked.
    It went something like this. A mother raising hell to the mayor and prosecutor, and loud as she could be wanted justice for her child and four more. This was the woman who was arrested  for drug dealing less than two years prior. Her goal. She wanted to sue head start. She wanted money.
                   Here was the biggest problem with all of these accusations. The man, supposedly the woman's boyfriend-he wasn't- was to have urinated on these kids, inserted a wooden stick inside one child, taken porn type pictures, fed them all they wanted to eat-BUT they also went back to school after this,appearance intact, no urine smell or wetness, ate lunch and undisturbed that any violent act happened. They ranged in ages four years to one being five.
     This story created by two druggies, destroyed part of their children's lives, and the first mother was seen holding and pointing the child's hand in a line up. None of the evidence such as two aides saying this bus never went anywhere except from the child's home and to school.They have to account for mileage. NO questions were ever asked by the lawyers about if this bus was gone so long on so many days-where was it? WHY??? BECAUSE it didn't happen.
     Two innocent people spent fifteen years in jail, until a judge looked over the record, and saw even the chief of police lied, was afraid. So the judge gives an acquittal verdict. They were set Free. Nancy Smith and the male are free BUT can go back any day.WHY AGAIN? Because the prosecutor won't admit he was wrong. No one will, so he asked it to be overturned by higher courts, WHY? He's afraid of a lawsuit. HE shouldn't be, after all those who accused head start sued big time with a gag order. Now they live a high life, drive fancy cars and I'm sure get all the drugs they want.
      One of their kids is in jail. He stated he doesn't remember anything like that happening-the whole thing that is. Another child, now older agreed to take to Nancy Smith's daughter, said she doesn't remember any abuse, gave Nancy Smiths daughter another phone number as she was at work. The next day no one would answer that phone. AMAZING to say the least. Those kids probably don't know how their moms if you can call them that, became so wealthy. They became so wealthy because they abused their kids by using them they way they did.
   Good for you judge, and Nancy Smiths daughter. The judge was sincere enough to admit he is ashamed of the system. So am I. When I know a pedophile is walking free because the system says a kid isn't a good enough reporter who immediately picked a perve out of photos mixed up so as not to cause confusion, taken into a place without any support and with strangers who smile at that kid, what kind of a system do we have. Who's side are they really on? It is too much work?

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