Friday, April 13, 2012

That Tattoo Kid HYS 1368

      As I was leaving a store this morning and ready to switch hands to open the door, a kid was coming in at the same time. He steppd back and held the door for me. Right away I noticed his tattoos, his hair and his smile. I looked him in the eye and said thank you as I did very much appreciate it. He had a big tattoo running down his left arm and more on his right arm. He had very short hair, blond in color and a wonderful small smile. 
     The numbers and letters in the title are close to his license plate. When a kid does something like that, when he could have easily just walked in and let me hold the door, he should be noticed. He stood out to me today. He drove a small black four door vehicle and got off at the Delco plaza exit. How many of us think tattoos mean a certain kind of personality? Well not for me and not today. That gesture made me feel good all the way home and now again as I write this.
      Before I left the store, I noticed a girl and boy, not a man and woman although they may think so, standing in line with pajama bottoms on and a tank top, and the boy with a tee shirt. The girl had the boys name on her neck, high up so everyone could see it. Isn't that wonderful, now everyone knows she loves Eddie. I really wanted to tap her on the shoulder and tell her that too many Eddie's are, well.... just try to get that tattoo off. Isn't love great?

Thursday, April 12, 2012

ATM's , Asthma, and more...

      Today started off almost as usual. Hand pain through the night, and hand splints seem not to help much anymore. Either way I think I have to try harder and longer and do more to help self;  don't we all?
      So before I left I went on -line and checked my back account, then went to the local convenience store. Right away went to a mac machine aka ATM, not one of the branch machines but still okay. I tried once and then again. Yet I also knew my hands were hurting and maybe I did something wrong. So I went to the store clerk, explained it all and we went to the machine and it gave me my balance and then some money once I checked the amount.
        But I never check my balance at the machines so I must have hit that button accidentally and what I saw surprised me. It showed a shortage, an amount that shouldn't have been. I decided to take care of it at home. I went to the clerk to pay for something prior to, in between at the machine to make sure my card was working)yes I left that part out) It was working. So here I was back with the same clerk, not the one who went to the machine with me. She attributed it to the fact that my hands were not working as well and I thought that could be possible. Anyway, this other clerk. Well I was concerned as she didn't look quite herself. Her face and neck was very red, almost like heatstroke. I asked her if she was okay. She said well kind of. It's so hot in here and I have Asthma. WOW!
         That really put things into perspective. She described it as someone putting a plastic bag over your head and trying to breathe. I really can't imagine what's that's like and no, I'm not putting a bag over my head no matter how many may ask:) But it comes back to that knowing, just when you think you have it tough.... Oh the bank machine? I went home, got on-line and checked my balance and it showed a shortage. I called the bank, spoke to someone who said, and pay attention please-she said, when this happens the machine catches it at some point and will correct itself, but it can take some time. I appreciated that answer and now will just wait. All in All, it was a good day to remind me...
Just when I think things are tough...

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Subway & Sodium

 Just a short notice. Next time you decide to go to Subway, check out there Nutrition guide. While it's nice they provide that, I wonder just how many people read it. The sodium content is unbelievable. Many people read calories and fat content, but as important and more is the sodium content. Whew! Talk about High Blood Pressure!

Foot Callouses? answer...liquorish sticks & vaseline paste

      Yes another miracle suggestion on Dr. Oz. I rarely watch him anymore but today I made a schedule to get some things done, still not done but after this blog, I will finish a few things. This guest doctor said if you have had callouses for long time as an audience guest did, then you have to take another look at the kind of shoes you wear. She said make a paste out of sesame oil and 4 sticks of liquorish, not the candy but you'd have to get them at a health food store. She also said you can also use Vaseline instead of sesame oil. I know how much sesame oil costs, and Vaseline is much cheaper.
       Now, let's go back to shoes. Check out women's shoes compared to men' shoes. The soles are paper thin, and guess who makes most women's shoes? Men of course. The heels are usually hollow, so ladies take heed, or take heel. But better shoes with a better foundation. You'll save your feet , time and money in the long run.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Donny Deutsch for Women

       This afternoon I saw Donny D on the Wendy Williams show which I watch when bored, sometimes. Well this guy gave such great information to women. He is usually part of three contributors on the Today show. Oh yeah, too much TV, anyway he told each and every young lady who asked a question about men , the bold truth. To one young lady he said, if you can't be yourself and have to pretend because the pretend lady is who he likes, then dump him, always be yourself. Another young lady said she always seems to attract the same kind of negative guy. Donnie's answer? Then you have to look at what it is about you that attracts such guys because they know, they smell your weakness which is your niceness. Well that's all I have to say about this for now as once before and is now again a problem with
      When I went to sign in, there was a nitice that blogger was updating this month, so I hit update now...and the same thing happened as it did once before. I get a pop up box that says something in length about ie9 does not match module ie8 and so much more crap-what the heck is this bull?
      So I once again went into one of my old places that say  something like 64bit ---blah blah and this old window opens to allow me to blog-I know after a certain amount of time it will get me back to my usual way of blogging like before, but what a bunch of bull!

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Nancy Smith & a Prosecutor

     If ever there was a case of collusion this was it. A blood thirsty prosecutor and two women with a drug past, a recent history of selling and more one for praise and maybe a promotion, and two for the money.
      I watched and listened carefully, well as much as I can pay attention. About five children were carefully prompted, promised and whatever else to accuse a man and a woman, no relation to one another, didn't even know one another. A black man, unsure of his exact name and he had enough of a mistake and a white woman. Their lawyer made mistakes but worse, the prosecution would not allow certain witnesses. Questions were not asked.
    It went something like this. A mother raising hell to the mayor and prosecutor, and loud as she could be wanted justice for her child and four more. This was the woman who was arrested  for drug dealing less than two years prior. Her goal. She wanted to sue head start. She wanted money.
                   Here was the biggest problem with all of these accusations. The man, supposedly the woman's boyfriend-he wasn't- was to have urinated on these kids, inserted a wooden stick inside one child, taken porn type pictures, fed them all they wanted to eat-BUT they also went back to school after this,appearance intact, no urine smell or wetness, ate lunch and undisturbed that any violent act happened. They ranged in ages four years to one being five.
     This story created by two druggies, destroyed part of their children's lives, and the first mother was seen holding and pointing the child's hand in a line up. None of the evidence such as two aides saying this bus never went anywhere except from the child's home and to school.They have to account for mileage. NO questions were ever asked by the lawyers about if this bus was gone so long on so many days-where was it? WHY??? BECAUSE it didn't happen.
     Two innocent people spent fifteen years in jail, until a judge looked over the record, and saw even the chief of police lied, was afraid. So the judge gives an acquittal verdict. They were set Free. Nancy Smith and the male are free BUT can go back any day.WHY AGAIN? Because the prosecutor won't admit he was wrong. No one will, so he asked it to be overturned by higher courts, WHY? He's afraid of a lawsuit. HE shouldn't be, after all those who accused head start sued big time with a gag order. Now they live a high life, drive fancy cars and I'm sure get all the drugs they want.
      One of their kids is in jail. He stated he doesn't remember anything like that happening-the whole thing that is. Another child, now older agreed to take to Nancy Smith's daughter, said she doesn't remember any abuse, gave Nancy Smiths daughter another phone number as she was at work. The next day no one would answer that phone. AMAZING to say the least. Those kids probably don't know how their moms if you can call them that, became so wealthy. They became so wealthy because they abused their kids by using them they way they did.
   Good for you judge, and Nancy Smiths daughter. The judge was sincere enough to admit he is ashamed of the system. So am I. When I know a pedophile is walking free because the system says a kid isn't a good enough reporter who immediately picked a perve out of photos mixed up so as not to cause confusion, taken into a place without any support and with strangers who smile at that kid, what kind of a system do we have. Who's side are they really on? It is too much work?

Easter Sunday-Franklin Graham

   For Christians this is a wonderful day. Where I live as silly as it sounds I love to see the balloons swaying in the wind, tied to post all over the town square until they reach a farmers fence. This was a first Easter Sunday I missed church, but I did listen to Franklin Graham if that counts. He is a newer version of his father who I met when he cane to Brooklyn years ago.
    Billy Graham was a guest on May 17th, Norwegian independence day and the parade ended at Lief Ericson park where Billy Graham preached. I think it was at that time that I sort of fell in love with church and all the goodness it had to offer. Yes, I knew about the hypocrites. They are just as much alive today as they were then. They just dressed different.
  I wonder though, how did hunting for eggs and a getting an Easter basket come in to play with Easter. Who was the man who thought of that. I do think it was a man at that time. They know how women love to buy and make thing for their kids. Okay go look it up. If it was a woman, shame on you, if a man, it's expected, sorry but that's my belief.
  Okay back to Franklin Graham. He isn't as public as his father, prefers to stay behind the scenes and is deeply involved in missionary work which was nice to learn and watch. I appreciate men like him and I even know a few. They are rare, but they are there. Happy Easter everyone. Oh by the way, while in the midst of this I went to a store and only saw on e balloon. Boy was I deflated! I thought what happened, people gave up, no one cares?
   So after my stop as I near town I see them, the balloons and it brought a smile of
okay, now this is right, this feels just right. I don't have the nerve to go on people's property, or I would do it. Nothing makes me more happy, than balloons and kids.
Well also singing old time religion songs, like A might Fortress is our God, and for today it would Be, Jesus Christ is Risen Today, Alleluia!

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Bullying, Mental Health, Teens & Blame

       A story about Phoebe Prince is well worth listening to, for everyone, not just kids but parents too, and as a matter of fact it would be good to watch it together. A platform to open up a topic, nothing like TV. I've had many kids say, that happened to me too, concerning anything they relate to. From ages eight to sixteen I have heard that same exclamation,"that happened to me too".
       Most of the time teachers have told me about it so I knew, but when I didn't know, as long as I made sure to act surprised which they want, they open up like a stuck zipper. Sometimes, well many times kids think they're ratting, which I know you know.
        A student who was on this TV show, Sharon said, as did her mother she is s best friend to others. Maybe so, but for me that kind of friend doesn't agitate a situation, but remains side by side to the friend. You don't go to the other person and call them filthy names. Is that a nice kid?
       Now on the other side of that we do have to take into consideration all of the peer crap and that s what it is. Why can't we teach our kids, and why can't others enforce the fact that it's okay to be your own person without getting involved in crime, drugs, alcohol, weapons and all things negative? WHY? Oh I know, It isn't cool. Some parents are just as bad as the kid and in many cases the kids get it from their parents.
        Yes this group of kids, and I don't know all the facts, but think if this was my child who is no longer here because they pushed a last button, I want justice, I want these kids to have some kind of punishment. According to reports this child who took her own life already had mental health problems, so that appears to lessen the bullying factor. It shouldn't!
       What about the educators who knew about this. Where does their responsibility lay? Phoebe did report that she was being bullied and harassed. South Hadley High School neglected the new young girl in this school, her reports of bullying, and have recently made a new policy as far as bullying reports and enforcement.
      Mr. Prince wants compassion for some of those kids who taunted his daughter as he states, isn't that what we wanted for our own daughter?
   Maybe we all , or most of us do teach our kids how to behave and show compassion, yet somehow between home and life they take on another persona and that's what we also have to address. Compassion? Walk in another's shoes. New kids in the neighborhood, in school? Walk with them, not on top of them.