Saturday, October 18, 2014

Prison Healthcare Better Than....

            How and why is it if you're a criminal you receive better health care that law abiding citizens? Just saw an episode of a male who was over 400 pounds, received a special diet, insulin twice a day and had a guard who became his personal trainer. Next the dentist. In our country you can earn just enough to not have dental insurance, but commit a crime and let prison fix your teeth.

     Prisons also have the highest rate of suicides and attempted suicides. They are monitored more often now. Why? Because families will sue. This is the population of people who are brave enough to beat up, kill, rape, torture, molest, rob and commit any type of a crime decent hard working people wouldn't dare do. Decent people who work and strive every day to get by are the brave people, everyone else a coward. Oh, want to know why this latest piece of trash tried suicide? He stated he was lonely, and everyone spoke English, not Spanish, and others had visitors, but no one came to see him. Doesn't that make your heart bleed? Too bad he didn't think of that, prior to prison. Oh but isn't it amazing, this creep can write in English.

       Our Systems are so screwed up and backwards. A health plan didn't have to be created for them. Congress didn't have to pass a law for them. Child molesters are protected ? Why ? Who protected the children? Prisoners who abuse, and torture children are kept apart from the regular population. I just don't get it, yet I know, they too are someones child, adult though they may be. Now they are protected.

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