Friday, October 17, 2014

Movie-The JUDGE

         Today I took myself to an early movie, less distractions and much cheaper. I live in Pennsylvania and went to a Frank Theater, clean, fresh and relaxing I was ready to watch a favorite actor once again, Robert Duvall.
      Starring with Duvall was Robert Downey and Vincent D'Onofrio.
      I wasn't sure what to expect but knew once this movie started I did not want to get up to use the bathroom or buy candy. Robert Downey has a mature look and as much as I have mixed feeling about him, he did a great job playing the part of a son who is still hurting, even after having made great accomplishments in his life.
     This is a movie in which so many of us can attest to, understanding each persons' role. From a disabled son to a son who takes on all the responsibilities to a son who is only looking in from the outside, yet achieved in life what many feel is a great achievement .
      Powerful scenes make you forget you're watching a movie, but let you think this could be your life, or has been your life.  At one point I was dying for some good n' plenty candy, which this theater did not sell, but quickly forgot about candy as my eyes were glued to Vincent D'Onofrio as he spat out feelings of anger and more to Robert Downey. D'Onofrio is from Law and Order and I have seen him in other films, never failing to give great performances.
       All were supported of course by the script and Robert Duvall did no less than he always does, star. His character left me with an emotion I never expected. As Duvall took the stand, it came as  a surprise that he said what we all think, what we all think for even seconds, and added something so powerful and softly spoken which made me realize I had goose bumps all over.
      This cast, the writer, the scenery all came together as if a real and true story. I want to see it again. A last note here; As I left the movie, and passed an usher he asked which movie I saw. I said, The Judge. He must have seen it, because he then asked, "did you cry ?"

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