Monday, October 20, 2014

Let me Tell you about SPECIAL Schools

       I worked in Mental health for quite a number of years and learned all too soon, if the new client wasn't on disability, they would be soon. See, they just didn't have the right doctor and were encouraged to talk to other clients because staff was not allowed to suggest a doctor.
     So sure, friendships began, new doctors now helped people get Social Security Disability because now they had a stream of patients they could count on visiting at least once a month. Oh yes, new diagnosis were made. After all you couldn't get on disability if you didn't have the right doctor and the "correct" diagnosis.
    Some have prison backgrounds and have a hard time getting employment. So what's the next move? No, don't keep trying. Get a diagnosis, Get on disability. Keep the system employed.

    Now we have similar issues with schools who are mainly warehousing kids with mental heath issues. How many of these kids get out of these schools better off? No one wants to admit they can't help that child, but instead keep them in one place, bill the system for big bucks, keep the kids happy with earphones, tablets and computers. TEACHING ? HA!
    The cycle is repeated when the child is passed onto another school, another program. So where is the success? Because these children don't do well in traditional schools, they are booted away from the average students or tax paying parents who have well behaved kids will complain, so to keep the peace, kick the other kids to the curb. Here in York, Pa. in my opinion we have such a system. WHY doesn't anyone see and start a vocational program for every student and give more hours to those who have mental health problems? Oh I know, funding! But they have enough to pay those same big bucks for special schools. Then, they can aslo keep those kids in their own district.

     Yes, I am well aware who should and shouldn't have the use of certain tools. But they also have to prove themselves and will learn reading and math along the way. After all, what are they going to leave school with now? Maybe a fourth grade education? Then they are eligible to clean toilets. Hell, someone has to do it. What happens when they do graduate without skills. No, don't be silly, they'll be taken care of. York County Prison is waiting, three meals a day, doctor and dental care, television, exercise, more than they got in school, a/c heat, lawyers and....they don't even have to work for it.

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