Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Corrupted Education System

       I'm not saying it is or isn't but what is so very wrong in the system of educating children from all backgrounds and all levels, such as poor behavior, extremely smart, not so smart, average, and special Education ?
       This is my opinion. We all know and it doesn't take a genius to know this; we are not all geniuses, so why is the education system not changing ? I have seen in many black schools and kudos to them, they have made changes, positive changes so their children will become leaders. Many now wear uniforms but there is more to their systems that other schools in all neighborhoods, cities and counties, urban and suburban are just not grasping. Why?
     Is it ego's or money? I think both. You have a right to check out salaries in the school district where your child attends and or lives. Look at how much a school district superintendent is getting and yet the school is still failing by not implementing an education system that is correct and equal for everyone.
                                                        Here are their solutions:
 Special behavioral schools, special ed classes, special vans-Everything is special except what they are doing, well not doing. Why ?
    It all comes down to money. These Special programs and schools receive extra money and tax credits per student so it's to their benefit they keep a child where they want them. It's to their benefit they place a child in another school  so they don't have to really bother with them, yet to be fair, how much attention can you pay to a kid who is ripping a school into shreds with books, electronics etc.? Then kids who are trying to learn can't. So now instead of keeping that child in our own districts, that child is sent elsewhere. YEA!!! He or she is now out of everyone's hair. WHY?

     Because these educators, the system, the board of supervisors, the school board, the freakin' checkerboard-who cares-are not doing anything different ! One thing I have heard over and over again is teachers in charge try to distract the child by doing other things. Yeah, that works for a short time but these kids are not dummies. Distraction is not creating, not teaching, not really ethical when we owe it to that child to give an education to. Yes, I know you're thinking how can you give a child an education  that doesn't want to be there? I do get that, and this is where leadership is failing. Teachers can only do so much with the tools they are given which isn't much because the schools are taking the extra per diem(money) per student and raising the salaries of the higher ups.
                                                       MY SOLUTION
      In my opinion,  a vocational program needs to be built into the academic programs, early, not ninth grade. Take the money away that they are paying other schools and hire  sewing instructors, buy sewing machines, a woodshop teacher, and more. I am not taking about an hour a day or forty five minutes. To instill  value, a sense of pride and accomplishment, a child with learning disabilities, behavior issues has to know, they are not only good at something else, but that whatever vocational classes they take can lead to a career.
    Maybe instead of getting your brains banged about on a football field, allow  the brain to have calming effects by using hands to create, learn measurements and yes I know it will never happen that football is taken away because that brings in money. But what about those other kids  ? What about their futures? How many will graduate with a fifth grade education and yet have a high school diploma from Special Education.
       We continue to send those special kids away. We send a message on top of what they already know about themselves that they can't be with other people because they are different. No, they are not. Their needs are different and yes, some kids are very violent but why can't they be monitored more closely but also given opportunities that other kids in school have, such as music? They can and will change.
   These kids have to earn  some music time, not taught. WHY ? Doesn't anyone see that given music, art, woodworking, cooking, sewing that those things build an inner strength. These kids continue to get held back emotionally. Wake up big shots, wake up....Remember, Correct and EQUAL for EVERYONE !

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