Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Lost and Found Family

       I just watched this movie with a kid, and he was impressed, loved the story and loved the acting. I wondered if he would sit through it, so I bribed him a little with ice cream. Well I didn't really bribe him, just gave it to him hoping he'd want to sit, watch and enjoy-he did.
     Now I didn't want to buy ice cream today, knowing me and how I usually just shovel it in late at night, but decided I will just have a small cup mid-day, want to stick to my Fire-Engine 2 plan.
      Lost and Found Family is a wonderful movie for any family to enjoy and appreciate. I appreciated an older woman and an older guy, a judge yet, falling in love-lol. Please take a few minutes and answer with some comment the blog below. This is to help and have a goal unusual, of what we normally ask of kids. If he sees a few positive comments it will enforce his positive attitude. Thanks, Life is short, Be Happy.

Help This Kid-New Foster Care Law

       I am acquainted with a kid who wants to make a law which makes it beneficial for states to save money on and for children in foster care. This law would entail attachments to wages, Tax refunds, disability payments and social security benefits, much like child support.
       Parents who are in a child's life but divorced pay support.  When they can't things get attached. So Why should a parent who loses custody through no fault but their own, not have to pay. Why? They go on and have more marriages, relationships and even worse, more children. They get off scott free. These parents get years of help from the state to try to redo their wrongs in order to keep a family together. When the children are finally taken and rights terminated, that state and taxpayers pick up the bill. WHY?
       Okay I know why as do you, but why does the state allow this? So please let me know how you feel about a kid trying to make a law to have biological parents pay into a system for their well-being, at least from the time custody was lost until a child is eighteen, and it should be retroactive. Once the state decides how much should be paid monthly or bi-monthly, if that isn't kept up until eighteen, then the amount and court order continues until the amount is paid. Just to be clear, as an example if a child is seventeen, parents lost custody and the court ordered one hundred a month, that child should receive into an account or the state for care, a total of twelve hundred by the time the child is eighteen. If the money isn't paid it stays on the books until paid in full.
       These people move, change names and have replacement babies, but what about the kids left behind? If you agree, please leave a comment so he can see he has support to achieve his long term goal.

Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Trace Adkins, I'm Waiting!!!

    Okay Trace, I know you're playing hard to get, even though you have a great, beautiful and young wife, wonderful family and just aout everything a guy could ask, but...I am still waiting.
     Hey, you who know me, stop laughing. So I could be his mother! So what, who cares and what's it to ya? Nothing wrong with dreaming. So Trace, call me anyway. I have a lot, a whole lot of songs, I'd be happy to share, fifty/fifty?

I loved what you said about veterans, all true!

Sunday, May 27, 2012

Take me Home You Silly Boy

     Just watched Harry's Law. Near the end Harry, played by Kathy Bates sang a song so softly( an old, first husband died) and it went like this.
   Take me home you silly boy, Because I'm still in Love with you. The tune, softness and words doesn't leave a lump in your throat, but a rock. No matter how long it's been since a first true love, it really doesn't go away.

Change school hrs. improve wellness,happiness&grades Proof

        Reading Nurture Shock, Page 36. Talking about the differences in adults and teens, melatonin, when it kicks in and how long it lasts. In Edina Minnesota, proof was obvious as explained that teens if sent to bed at ten, the melatonin didn't kick in until ninety minutes later, so they wake up tired, go to school tired and perform as tired.
       So what did they do? They changed school hours, from 7:25 to 8:30. Tests scores went up, performance over all improved and the kids were happier and more alert. Kids get less sleep while in High School.
       Then in Lexington Kentucky, the same thing happened, not only that, BUT car accidents went down 25% compared to the rest of the state.
   Can you imagine how much happier people would be if their melatonin was on the hormonal clock instead of the alarm clock? School districts would have more time to clear snow roads, and it would be all around safer for people driving to work. Time for changes . Just thoughts.

Rogue Farm CSA-Dallastwown Pa.

     Hey People, this pays if you live near by. All organic. The prices scare me, yet, the alternatives are worse. Basics are Health vs. Hospitals. Buy a share 145. for the seasons, summer until about October-a full share for two adults and two children is 495. They also ask for volunteer hours. This isn't new and has benefited many in Europe where it first started.  Hey WWJD? Share in the good.
     Starting here new plantings June 15th after the ground is tilled. Will have for sale by a young guy, Watermelons, Cantaloupes, other veggies, Pumpkins when the time comes and more. Also giving away to some very nice people known over the years. Pressed and and shaken, not stirred-lol-what's wrong with a little humor?
Happy Sunday

Friday, May 25, 2012  Check it out! Inexpensive. See the profile, background. Save gas, don't run into friends, have a cup of tea, stay in your old comfy clothes and chat. Private and ethical.

Hey Kevin-Thinking about you...Salty Dog

       Just day dreaming. So what would be nice this time of year? To know people are happy, healthy and are with family. I guess that goes for anytime of the year.
       I spoke to a friend yesterday in New York. Her son is very ill and right now appears to be losing his battle as he tells his mom to not think about him. He doesn't have any idea what he's asking. How does a mom ever not think about a child, her child, her children? There is no greater love.
       I don't know or think he's losing the battle as these things do go into remission and he's not a quitter, but probably just worried as he has a right to. Sometimes with his kind of an illness people go through periods of being very ill to feeling okay and back on their feet and ill again. I guess sometimes doctors just have to try so many different things because we are individuals and our bodies don't always accept a same medicine as it would another person.
        Kevin you are loved by so many friends and family because you're a great guy. You have treated people with respect and now they want to give it back tenfold. We're all here for you Kev, praying, thinking and loving you. Be well. Come on, we have to go back to The Salty Dog again. That was a good time. Here's to you Kev...skoal!:)

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Every Day Memorial Day

       Just a small article about Memorial Day. It's too bad we dont think about this every day. Look at the freedoms we have that men and women have given us in their service to our country.
      -You have a right to be an athiest
      - a right to come to this country and stay, legal or not, but the right to fight for the right.
      -rights to jobs of most kinds
      -The right to vote-use it!
      -rights to speak against politicians
      - the right not to be discrimminated against
      -the right to become anything you want if you work and earn it
      -You can become president of the United States
      - as such you can cheat and get away with it in the white house
      -you have rights to be heard in cases of unfair firing
      - You have the right to be a crook, have  afree lawyer, get jail time and in jail receive a college degree, medical attention and work out in the states gym membership program. YOU can even earn money while serving time for your crime-what a wonderful system.
     - YOU worthless parents don't have rights to neglect and abuse your children, but have rights terminated and get away scott free to never pay a dime support again and allow the state to pay for your child's care.
      -The list is endless, but most of all, YOU get the right to still belong to the greatest country in the world. BE thankful YOU live in the US.

Blogger ads

Hey People, those ads are for everyone to click on and check out. Who know? You may find something interesting, if anything for your own information, should you become a blogger and have a sensational blog, people click on ads and you earn money. Get It??? Click ads=Earn money. It's just pennies here and there, but in time it adds up.

   Seriously, if you do have an interesting topic, like motorcycles, make a great blog. Women have all kinds of female topics and earn a lot from their blogs, and usually it's one topic with many points of interests, like raising children, food, travel etc. So if you're home a lot, have time, make a blog. Bloggers help each other out too. Send me your blog. I'll be happy to check it out and look at your ads.
 Christmas will be here before you know it.:)

Anxious 4 Papertown Auto Visit

       I know who ever heard of someone anxious to go to a garage. Before I went there the first time, I never met these people, but heard through another ethical garage to check them out and I did, and I am so happy I did.
        So now I know when it's time to go back, I will and even before that if  a problem comes up. Sometimes things happen and you can't meet a scheduled appointment. They don't get angry, give a lecture or make you wait just to show you how much you need them, but they do give a, just call when you can come in again, no problem attitude.
         It is attitude, friendliness, accuracy and truth that make me know, this is my garage! Their motto is, we keep you on the road for less! They're not kidding. At one point I purchased tires there when other places after calling around said I wouldn't get a better price. The price I got was enough to buy an extra tire for a spare if I wanted to. That's how much Papertown saved me. This is a business that truly helps out the community they work in.
        To add to that, they didn't need to build or buy a new building, they recycled the one their in. When we talk about Americans at work in America for Americans, we're talking Papertown Auto in Spring Grove. So do yourself, your car or motorcycle, community and your wallet a favor; Go to Papertown Auto.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

The Salty Dog And Those Great Servers

       Yesterday morning, Saturday the nineteenth, I decided to take a foster son on a day trip to New York, Specifically Brooklyn where I grew up. I love Brooklyn and miss it. Nothing takes the place of the people and the food, except the memories.
       With those memories come the smells, pictures in my mind of places and food and servers with smiles. No mater what kind of day they might be having, no matter what's going on in their lives, they smile to make our day better. I was having an up and down day, and wanted so much to have lunch at The Salty Dog, but they were overcrowded. I felt as if I was giving the boy I had as good a time as possible, but he asked and wanted more and more than I could do on this day, leaving me feel frustrated. I had to knock thoughts out of my head of what I wanted to say to say, and remember what life was life for him and so we ate across the street at the Lighthouse for lunch, a small cafe with very nice people. They made a great burger and I added an egg cream. Ahhh...memories!

        After Lunch the boy asked about eating at The Salty Dog and I said, we'll have supper there, and while it was still day time, I took a few photos of him by and near the old firehouse. On we went to the City, FAO Schwartz and of course parking issues, but if you know New York, you know about parking and I know New York. He wanted things to buy. Anything about Harry Potter, but he just couldn't understand the cost of the trip. I gave him a few extra bucks, bought small things, and all I could think was, he's a kid and it's natural to want, when you come from where he came from.
        On to Little Italy, and I asked him about being hungry as it was getting late and I wanted to leave New York by seven. He said he wasn't hungry and I was happy because again, I wanted to go to the Salty Dog. Suddenly a guy on one of the Italian restaurant steps,  good looking and young grabs my guys attention. In his accent he tells him , don't you want to be out front and flirt with all the pretty girls? Fast talking he repeated it until the kid starts to smile, looks at me and says, well, can we? I tell him, we'll talk on the corner. There I explain how things work. It's all business and on we drove to Brooklyn. Yea!
        Round and round I went to find a parking space just up the street from The Salty Dog. As I got closer I hope Larry was working. Larry was a waiter who was there every time my daughter, her friends and my friends stopped in. He could be my son-almost. Good looking, muscular and charming he was for sure. Now that aside, a person quickly forgets as he treats you and your guests as he did mine to an experience. An experience you rarely get at many restaurants. I am not demeaning other servers. What I am saying to be more specific is Larry is a down to earth person who makes someone feel as if they count, not just a tip.
          I have known servers who pay more attention at the end of the meal. That's too late. No matter how busy The Salty Dog is Larry works hard and I feel gives as much attention to patrons as any one server can do. He's like an old friend, like someone you've known for twenty years. He smiles at the guests, checks back just enough to make sure  a person doesn't feel forgotten, doesn't feel as if they no longer count, but definitely doesn't overdo it. Larry is a just right kind of waiter/server.
            We arrived close to seven so I knew we would be getting home later than I wanted to. We were seated by a young lady name Kelly, very pretty with a classy  and friendly way about her. In the distance I saw who I thought was Larry. It's been too long since I've been gone. He changed, but so had I. I asked Kelly as she sat our beverages down, much needed coffee and root beer in a Salty Dog bottle, if that was Larry. With a big beautiful smile, she said, yes that's Larry, why does he look different? Kelly remarked how they good natured tease about how people change. If she saw me three to four years ago, she would have thought I was my daughter, that's how much I've changed.
           Kelly gave us more time to check the menus and suddenly Larry walked over, and took our order. I was confused. Talking more a short time later, Kelly said, we look out for each other and then she and I shared college stories about myself and her mom. Just everyday people. It was nice to see the love when she talked about her mom.  My guy wanted to put half of his order in a box to go, said he was full. I felt just right yet I ordered a slice of cheesecake. Oh wait, my order; I ordered a bacon cheeseburger as I always do. It came with mouth watering fries, a big bun, tomato, a pickle and a smile from Larry-I think. By now after the total experience, I'm not too sure who did what as another guy brought desert.
        I have to back-up.  I ate my burger off the bun so I didn't get full, but fresh coffee and cheesecake, I was in heaven. But that burger!  Not only was I so happy to be in Brooklyn but at The Salty Dog, the place that makes the best burgers anywhere! As I was leaving Larry stood by the bar and I patted his shoulder, almost feeling like I shouldn't be, but wanted to say good-bye. He made this visit so special and then to meet Kelly doubled my very happy time. She was  as friendly, but in a different way and made me feel like I just met a friend, although I could be her gram, well maybe.
       Quickly I stepped away from where Larry stood, stepped back by a wall and caught him as he turned around to shake my kids' hand. What a class act! He waved to me, said nice seeing you again. Hopefully I'll get up again when it's colder or get my a/c fixed, brakes and those things we all need to take care of.
         Oh remember I said what a class act? That goes for Kelly and everyone at the SD. I have eaten in many restaurants, (you can tell) from Sardi's to Ill Cortille, Sal Anthonys, Siba's in Pittsburgh, The brown Derby in California-nice but ...well, is it no cigars? All nice places, but I would rather eat any meal where I am made to feel at home, welcome and I can go so far as to say nurtured. I, as well as anyone I bring leave the Salty Dog knowing, what a great place, what kind people and the food..ahhh the food. Thank you Kelly, and Thank you Larry. You all treated this little guy just as important as you do the adults. Class unmeasured to you.
 No brag, just fact!