Monday, August 21, 2017

Vegan vs. Drs. and Skin Care= Hypocrites

         Opening my screen page this morning I noticed a giant ad for skin care and it looks by all appearances something worth reading. A heart surgeon introduces himself and starts talking about a motorcycle guy who lost weight and also noticed how his skin cleared up. I'm not going to bore you with all of the bluster. It was only a minute or so in that I wonder, what is this guys selling but I have patience, and waited, and waited, Finally he gets to what he's selling.

         But he made a huge mistake this doctor Mundry ? In the middle and yes, I'm glad I did listen for so long as the good doctor stated," look at Vegans, their skin glows".

    So why in the world would anyone need supplements? He also stated that good skin comes from the inside out.  Yup, in the food we eat.  Good Luck and try to eat more greens!

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