Sunday, August 20, 2017

Mental Health's True Stigma

       How do you care for your mental health, or do you even think about it ? Your mind, it's health needs the same amount of attention as your physical health does. So why do so many "smart " people ignore it and knowing they have a problem with what's happening with their brain ?
       The mental health STIGMA isn't the same as it was years ago. Then, because of lack of education and compassion, understanding and personal knowledge as if someone in the family was ill, it appeared as if people were "just nuts". Most people, every day people didn't understand that mental illnesses was something caused by a chemical imbalance and in most situations is genetic.

       Right now, be honest with yourself and look at your family. Do you have a parent, aunt, uncle, grandparent or sibling who truly has a mental illness?

         How many times have you heard, it isn't mental illness, so stop saying that, he or she just needs to grow up, get their act together?. How many years has that been the disguise? That's just what it is, a disguise,a phrase mom or dad uses to hide the truth from others, others who probably already know yet are hoping mom or dad, or the sibling with an illness will face the truth and do something.

          I don't mean do just anything like join a gym, join a church, but I do mean do something such as get involved in a community that offers mental health help, weekly or daily therapy. If you do nothing here is where the true stigma comes in, doing nothing. Your real self shows every day in your words and actions and don't think those you work with don't know it. They do. Behind your back they are talking, "what's wrong with him/her ?" They higher ups will be careful in placing you in certain positions. Believe it or not, you're replaceable. I don't care how good or great you are. Younger and smarter are coming up right behind you.

        You can't hide forever in your uniform, the way you dress, wearing a collar, playing sports, shiny shoes, a suit/dress or even how much academic knowledge you may have. It catches up and eventually becomes public. The STIGMA is knowing and doing nothing. One day you will have a full blown breakdown in public, an office, a parking lot, traffic, a classroom, a bank, wherever and not understand why this is happening to you. Here's why its happening to let it, your family let it happen in that disguise. Smart?  If  you ignored, and disguised it this long you probably need long term therapy. NO? That's the Stigma

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