Sunday, July 13, 2014

A Father's Rights-Discrimination ?

     Today I met a young man who is stable, nice, angry, pays support, works overtime just to pay attorney fees and loves his child. He isn't like many single parents who say, ah, let me pay support, then I can party weekends. No he works and wants his child, now full-time. Why? Because the ex is not giving the child a stable life, moves too many times- just because.
     In my opinion there is a strong sense of discrimination towards this man as I listened to his story. Just because you are a woman, doesn't entitle you to keep the children and just because you bore them doesn't mean you are closer, having bonded more, as I have learned over the years, that 's just anatomy.  Times have changed and there are all kinds of  discrimination against people. So who gets to prove those issues? Will a court system say dad gets the kids because he is gay and the court doesn't want the Gay and Lesbian and on and on against them, worrying about votes? Will a court system give the kids to dad because he is really the best parent ?
     The court system, political system has to stop the crap and allow children to live with the stable parent, the one who lives in a same place, keeps a steady job, has long tern relationships and that those relationships are healthy as well, physically and emotionally. What happened to decent parenting?
    What happened to decent lawyers, lawyers who don't don't rob you blind out of the money you can put into a childs' future, or a special vacation ? What makes them deserve 250. an hour? They drag things out and out which means more money for the lawyer. Sure they have bills to pay too, but do they think they are GOD???
     I would bet any amount of money these lawyers tell you they have faith in God or a higher power. Sure, their banks. If a lawyer is truly there to right wrongs how is it they make it wrongfully so in charging thousands of dollars for a divorce and support ? How is that righting a wrong? Wait until it happens to you...oh I forgot, you have plenty of money. YOU stole it from hard working people, in my opinion.

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