Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Immigrant Kids Vs. America

     Most of us have a heart when it comes to innocent kids, but how many now know all they have to do is ask for asylum because of whatever is going on in their own countries. When does the support stop? When we're broke? We don't even take care of our own kids as in how many are homeless because of abuse at home. No different than abuse in other countries but our kids run away to US, not to other countries.
      Kids from other countries have learned they have rights almost as soon as they get here and they teach each other what to do and say in order to stay. A young boy who was on TV tonight was interviewed and he spoke in his native language, not even attempting to speak any English. Why? I bet he can ask for a soda. While I may sound heartless, it's heartless to allow American kids to sleep in the streets. It's heartless to give kids an education which they can't grasp and instead offer a vocational education. It's heartless to bargain a kid for an adoption stipend which is the law. It heartless to let our vets go without health services much needed and our elderly without dental and medical needs and housing.
       We have too many of our own American citizens going without that we allow immigrants in as our country is falling into desperate times and our jobs are going, going gone, overseas ad families are going hungry, can't afford a pair of glasses, a cane, a meal.
   If we are going to let these kids in, these kids who know how to travel here, know how to manipulate, let them learn how first to get a sponsor who can afford an extra child, not going on the welfare system. Let them also sign a waiver to join the military as soon as they graduate out High Schools to pay back for coming to our country where they will be supported and so let them support our freedoms, the kind they used to get here in the first place. Let them learn to pay it back.

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