Saturday, July 12, 2014

My Carrot Peeler

     Yesterday morning I put my little guy to work in the kitchen with me. Someone introduced me to Time-In instead of time out, but this wasn't the case. Before I go on, we all know what time out is-instead try time in. The child gets to work with you and remain stern during that time.
      So, the day before I cooked a chicken in a crock pot, drained it, let it cool, took apart and put in the fridge. I left the chicken broth in the fridge over night and the next day all of the fat was on top, to be scooped off and discarded. I bought fresh string beans, carrots, garlic and red potatoes. My little guy was anxious to help but never used an old fashioned peeler. It was time. There he stood after a lesson or two peeling away and he loved it. I was snipping the green beans and peeling small red potatoes. Next time, I am buying the bigger reds, easier to peel.
       While I was getting the chicken ready to pull apart, I took out a big bowl of strawberries and showed him how to use a paring knife. He was thrilled to know a knife is to be used with trust and instructions. We all know how our hands get sore when doing monotonous work. After working more than two thirds of the way, he asked me to finish. He also ate while he cut. In the end he loved the crock of carrots, chicken, beans and potatoes. I didn't add any salt or pepper as I want him to learn, we just don't need that stuff. Okay, I did sneak a pinch or two so I let him also have a pinch. When I asked him if he wanted a pinch, he came over to me smiling and pinched my arm. He'll learn.
       This morning I let him finish the last of the strawberries.

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