Friday, August 22, 2014

Stop & Go Deli, Brooklyn NY

       On a recent trip to Brooklyn which was too short, I stopped at a couple of deli's in Bay Ridge.  For those who don't know what a deli is, it's short for delicatessen. Every time I'm in Brooklyn I try a new deli out. Usually I stay at a local hotel and everything I would need is in walking distance, if I needed anything. The hotel is on 84  street and 4th ave. So the first night I walked up to a deli on 5th ave. and 84th street. Don't go there. There were two men in the store. One sat on a step behind the counter while the other young man asked what I wanted, all business. I told him and he asked what kind of  bread, a roll or hero. I chose a roll, wrong choice. To be honest it was about 8:00 p.m. and rolls do get stale when left in the wood boxes with a plastic cover by then. This one tasted like it came from the day before. The lettuce was wilted and brown. Because I was hungry and back at the hotel I ate the smaller half, and threw the rest away. I decided right then that was a last trip at that deli.
        Now if you're a shopper and like to walk, two blocks away is a deli on 4th ave and 86th st. I wish I could tell you the name because there are two and one is so very much better, so it's up to you.

       Here is what I found to be a five star rating Deli: It's named Stop and Go ! The address is 7618 3rd ave. Before I get into this experience, I know you can shop at food Lion or a large grocery store, buy lunch meats, bread, rolls,  condiments etc.  Also think about lines, unless you don't mind and getting a parking place in a small lot and does the hotel have mini-fridges'?
       Now back to STOP & GO. This deli is run by Alex and his brother Isaac.  I was blown away by the sincere attitude, smile and attention both of these men gave me as I ordered. We chatted as I let them know on different days how impressed I was with the cleanliness! Prices are fair and reasonable. They offer a nice variety of lunch meat sandwiches, but not so much, that you stand there reading a huge deli board. This deli is just right :)  STOP & GO !
       My first visit I ordered a roast beef on a roll with mustard and a little mayo. Alex gave me just what I ordered. You know how many deli people never listen and slap a load of mustard and mayo on, so much it slides all over and outside of the bread or roll, making one sloppy mess? When I got back to the hotel, relaxed , got comfortable and took that first bite, I knew I would be back as often as I wanted a freshly made sandwich in a clean environment with nice people who made you fell welcomed and thanked you for your business. They smile! What a wonderful feeling If they owned a hotel I would be their forever guest!
         That day I was in twice and knew before I left to go back home, I would stop there again, buy a sandwich for the trip and would enjoy the freshness, fair prices and people who appreciated business. The next day I didn't see Alex but another man behind the counter, just as friendly and when I asked for a roast beef sandwich, he told me, "oh I am so sorry, we are out of roast beef." If you saw his face, he was truly sorry. It was almost cute, he looked  how I felt. No roast beef! In a deli? Guess I had it all the day before. So what I thought. Whatever I buy here will be great and boy was it. Isaac asked my name . Who does that in these days. People just want your money, and rarely any eye contact or smiles. Not at STOP and GO.
         At STOP and GO Isaac made me a turkey sandwich on whole wheat bread. Lettuce and tomato with mustard and mayo, just right amounts, and he gave me a cup of coffee on the house! What a place! I was a guest, a visitor, so don't go running in and ask for a free coffee. These men deserve every penny they earn. We talked a little more and it was time for me to leave. I stopped in Jersey, pulled over and had my sandwich.
         You just won't believe it. That bread tasted like it just came freshly out of the oven! No where on the turnpike would I get a sandwich like that. The value is more than fair. So when you're in Brooklyn, look for 7618, 3rd ave and they have a big red and white awning outside that shows
STOP & GO. Tell Alex and Isaac, Nancy said hello and thank you again.

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