Thursday, November 9, 2017

Sexual Assaults, Men's Perversions, Life in Prison at Least !

       It's about time more women are coming forward. Before I go further, yes, I know women have done it too, and I'm not brushing it aside. I don't care if it's a man or woman who is the abuser, they should equally spend life in prison.
        I've been told by someone close, well if a guy serves time, gets out, then Megan's Law is really unfair because the guy already served his time. By putting him on this list he's being punished all over again-yet he went on to say in his opinion, death would be better because if that happened to any of his kids, he'd want to kill the guy.
          Here's why I feel life in prison and I bet you can guess this before you read my post;that abuser has changed a life or lives forever! So why shouldn't the abuser get the same and worse. If I was in charge, drop him off in the middle of the ocean for fish food, yet I don't want to poison the ocean.
So put them in prison with yellow suits. Yes, of course yellow! These people who sexually abuse others are first cowards and second bullies who threaten and intimidate.

          Now we have a guy, a senator Moore, Roy Moore from Alabama who was recently accused and his precious Christians are standing with him. WHY? Because of proof, because they've known him forever!
          Pedophiles do not molest children, rape others, grope, feel, use porn, sell women and yell hey look at what I'm doing! Smart people are so stupid. How the hell can they even ask for proof and yes I know there are false allegations at times. Look at Tawana Brawley who did what she did because of Al Sharpton, a male in position who took advantage of a kid because he wanted political attention. I wonder if he ever paid his taxes ?

        Remember Chris Hansen who had a show years ago exposing pedophiles ? Yup, fired for cheating on his wife if I remember right. Hes now back on TV, Older and fatter, BUT that doesn't distract from the following: That show exposed men of all ages, all faiths, races and careers.  There were Catholics priests, Rabbi's, Teachers, ministers , coaches, and on and on.
That didn't stop anyone from continuing to molest, rape, and sexually assault!

       Finally too we have so called celebrities that many don't want to believe. "oh how could he do that, he's such a a nice guy". There all nice on the outside, just like a book. People in the position of power don't necessarily have to be bosses, coaches etc. Those pedophiles are also fathers, cousins, brothers, grandparents and spouses who cover up. Why do they cover up?They take the easy way out, they may have to support themselves, embarrassment, disbelief (but they really know) its just easier which makes them worse than the abuser, they colluded, they allowed it to knowingly continue.
        Parents keep talking to your kids, doors stay open, two go to a bathroom in a movie,, keep spaces between others in movies. Overnight trips, sleepovers? Hell NO ! YOU DON'T KNOW WHAT'S IN SOMEONES MIND! Prison for Life, no exceptions!