Wednesday, October 25, 2017

ACS Staten Island Bullies Parents with threats to MOVE..

     Yes, this is what these types of services do, they bully a parent or parents when a parent asks questions about their own children, asking for help for the foster parent with transportation. Kids have so many appointments when in foster care, but for some it's just too much and isn't needed but when it is, the foster agency is supposed to be there to help with transportation especially if the foster parents work.
      I can tell you personally in Pennsylvania, that's exactly how it works. IF foster parents work, the foster agency caseworkers or MHP's as their known, step in to actually do the transportation to appointments, school meetings and so on. So if ACS doesnt like the questioning, they make threats, well we'll just move your children, so is that in the best interest of the children?
      Heck NO!!!! They have already been removed from their home, then removed from a school, so ACS answer is to move again and again because they won't be honest, won't help, won't answer questions.

Many parents are decent people who need help and yet many others are slime but if you have a parent who can offer proof, who wants his or her children, can offer a home, food, clothes, and an education and unconditional love, yet ACS prefers to either return the children to slime, and or move the kids! Yea! What a helpful agency. Maybe they individually need their backgrounds checked into. How far back should someone go? When is enough enough to prove to society you're a good person ?

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