Saturday, February 6, 2016

Ladies, Vocal Fry Voice, Pretense

      As I listened to a woman this morning talk about water contamination, she suddenly sounded different almost like she had a scratchy voice, but she didn't. This is what's known as vocal fry voice and it is usually women, younger women who do it. There are some older women, but not many. These are young women who feel that if they lower their voice, they sound more important and smarter. Rarely young men also do it-What the hell is wrong with them ?
    I just finished telling a young lady who was visiting about this. She said she never heard of it. While we were having a relaxed chat she sounded like anyone else. Then it happened. She started talking about the reason she was here, a professional reason and her voice dropped. Is this a sign of insecurity ? You have to lower your voice to sound scratchy? Why? You know your job, career, position and you get paid. Stop the pretense ! You don't sound smarter and more intelligent. You sound annoying. You sound like you maybe have a sore throat. The problem is you switch it off and on. Remember Vocal FRY voice. Bottom line, you are a fake !

Monday, February 1, 2016

Water & Mosquito's=Virus

      Many people don't know that water attracts Mosquito's. Any puddles, standing water, over watering plants will attract mosquito's. We know how these poor babies are born deformed because of the Zika virus and it's happening in the United States too. As the weather warms up here, we will have the same issues as the countries do which have high rates of babies born with this disease. Remember Ebola? This is as bad and in my opinion worse. Protect yourselves, start with getting rid of standing water.