Monday, November 24, 2014

Parking Meters, TOW, Cross Walks BOOT, HC Placards etc.

           Good Monday Morning Everyone. It's that time of year again and those meter ticketers, meter maids are out in strong force, just waiting to ticket you. Yes it is their job, but it's your job to watch your meter.
Isn't your money better off in your pocket ?
   So once you get a ticket, first you get a little angry, and then you put the ticket away-WRONG. If you in the area pay it ow, or go home and pay on line, or mail it in but pay It now. It's so easy to forget and then fines build up, and finally a tow truck comes along with a boot. Is your car going to end up in a lot being towed away?
   How much can you afford to just piss away because of one ticket?
Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas

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