Sunday, November 16, 2014

Christmas Music & Chrstmas Shopping :)

       This morning while comparing prices with Fat Brain Toys and Target Toys I couldn't find one special toy I was looking for, an erector set which is twice the rice at Fat Brain. So I decided to look up the Target corporate office and ask how can I get one from them at their price. Maybe Fat Brain bought them all.
    There wasn't any e mail contact that I could find, but happened to come on reviews and then I see one about how sad someone is because of the Christmas music, well lack of it. This shopper is Christmas shopping and asked a clerk, what happened to the Christmas music. The clerk answered, "I know, we had a complaint" end of story.
     My personal feeling is, and we know Christmas is about The Birth of Jesus and it has turned commercial (old song).
    So if anyone feels they are a Christian and is shopping for gifts and the store you re in has all the displays of Christmas shopping , but without the music, ask someone why. If the answer is, people complained, well we all know who in our hearts and why. Hopefully you have a cart full of items and you can feel good enough to leave the cart and walk out, and I promise, when I go out shopping this week if I walk into target or any store to Christmas shop and they have displays of such, but no music, I will purposefully fill  a cart, then go to a manager, ask why-he or she will tell me they had a complaint ad I will say, okay, now here's my complaint and walk out.
      Okay Now I know, you're tired, you don't want to shop again for the same items at the same prices-DON"T.
          Look at who you are buying for. Now it's time to go home, make a cup of tea or coffee or....Get on line and look up local craftsman for kids. For adults, write a nice and simple letter of why you are doing this, this year and give gift cards for groceries, gas, cash. I really do think, hope and believe they will understand.

Merry, Merry Christmas !!!

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