So what is her story? Is it any different than her accusers or those who are throwing her to the lion's den? I don't know how this came to be except she was to have made racial slurs years ago. How many years ago may in some crazy way make sense. I didn't say makes it right but makes sense.
Everyone and anyone who was brought up by parents who are bigots picks up their habits and maybe not forever, but it's a hard thing to get rid of. In my family I learned every nationalities' nasty slang term. Italian? There are a few I can name right now. Peurto Rican, same. German, Norwegian, Irish, Black, Polish? I grew up in New York and met just about everyone whose parent was an immigrant which opened the door for all of those awful names.
Back to Paula Deen. I saw her this morning talking/crying to Matt Lauer, (who I rarely watch anymore)barely understood a word. All of that bawling isn't going to do her any good. How many will believe it?
Here's what counts:the kind of person she is now and that's it! Are all of those accusers without fault? Imagine if they were interviewed and would they tell the truth? I doubt, so that means Paula Deen is punished for telling the truth.
Now let's connect Walmart and Deen. They dropped her, so what do we make of that? Look at the damage Walmart has done to this country alone. They have put out of business most small family owned businesses-so does that mean Walmart is anti-family? Anti-AMERICAN? Where do they get the majority of their products from? Not America !!!! Let's look at Walmart, an ANTI-AMERICAN COMPANY !!! This is all , in my opinion of course:)
Everyone and anyone who was brought up by parents who are bigots picks up their habits and maybe not forever, but it's a hard thing to get rid of. In my family I learned every nationalities' nasty slang term. Italian? There are a few I can name right now. Peurto Rican, same. German, Norwegian, Irish, Black, Polish? I grew up in New York and met just about everyone whose parent was an immigrant which opened the door for all of those awful names.
Back to Paula Deen. I saw her this morning talking/crying to Matt Lauer, (who I rarely watch anymore)barely understood a word. All of that bawling isn't going to do her any good. How many will believe it?
Here's what counts:the kind of person she is now and that's it! Are all of those accusers without fault? Imagine if they were interviewed and would they tell the truth? I doubt, so that means Paula Deen is punished for telling the truth.
Now let's connect Walmart and Deen. They dropped her, so what do we make of that? Look at the damage Walmart has done to this country alone. They have put out of business most small family owned businesses-so does that mean Walmart is anti-family? Anti-AMERICAN? Where do they get the majority of their products from? Not America !!!! Let's look at Walmart, an ANTI-AMERICAN COMPANY !!! This is all , in my opinion of course:)