Wednesday, January 5, 2011

When The Pilot Pees, Who is Flying ...

         I just read about an India Airline pilot leaving his seat to use the bathroom and the plane plummeting 7000, that is seven thousand feet! Okay so not an every day occurrence, but it happens. You have to pee so what do you do if you are a pilot in charge of getting people to their destinations safely? I don't ever remember seeing a pilot leaving the cockpit, that I think about it, there is a curtain between them and the passengers. So maybe the flight attendant pulls the curtain and then the pilot comes out and uses his bathroom.
      Imagine if we all saw him leave the cockpit, magazine in hand and retreat to a back bathroom for oh say, twenty minutes? Then what? What do we do or what should we do or say? As we've been taught by society to simply sit quiet, behave and MYOB...heck no! Ask, and ask again until you get an appropriate answer, and better yet, ask those questions before you fly. If you're told that there is always auto pilot as well as a co-pilot, well then ask, do they other flights in the air know that? Who do you trust with your life?

       Make sure to take out a lot of life insurance. See if you do, and God forbid you die, the insurance companies have to pay out. When that happens, you better believe it, someone will make sure, as sure as they can when insurance companies pay out and hate to do so, that this accident won't repeat itself. Well duh, of course it won't, but you know what I mean, right?

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