Sunday, December 9, 2018

Identity Theft from Delaware to IA, MN. and N.C. Freeze Credit

        I just learned after watching my credit that it went down to to what's known as Hard Inquires .
Right now the easiest thing to do is put a Freeze on my credit, which has nothing to do with freezing my credit cards. Then I'm changing passwords and usernames. Sounds annoying, like too much bother? Try fixing identity theft!  Now that will make you nuts.
       I'm writing letters not only to the credit bureaus but the financial institutions who took the applications from these entitled thieves. Well they think their entitled. Just a warning.   

      This is the time of year when we stop at ATM'S with debit cards, and use our credit cards in stores shopping for gifts and forget who's looking over our shoulders. Good luck, keep your cards and cash safe.