Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Justice for Kenneth A. White

   Five boys, aged fifteen to eighteen, without much thought of their actions, threw a rock and killed a man, a father of four children and now the question is, How long should they be imprisoned for ?
   One "boy" is a legal adults but all are being tried as adults and about two years ago this type of stupidity has become a felony.
    Here is my quick opinion of punishments for these kids. Three years, in some confinement. Can not drive on release, except during daylight. Here comes the real consequences: Since they took a life of a father with four children, the mother is to present them with a bill of what the father would have earned-while they were confined- and start to pay her back, then from the point of release, get jobs and for the next many years remain on probation until her youngest child reaches eighteen and while on probation these five young men are to financially take care of repairs either   through payments or fixing it them selves. Here's an example: If she needed a plumbing repair and this is her choice,whatever the cost is, is to be divided by five or she she allows, one or two will come over and repair. This includes mowing, painting her house, auto repairs, anything the father of her children would normally do.
    Should she marry and that man earns less than the father of her children, those five young men, financially fill in the rest. All has to be on time payments. If they don't complete this, back to jail for breaking probation, for ten years. If her husband earns the same or better amount, the remaining time until her youngest child reaches 18, these five guys simply send in 100. per person to the mom until the youngest reaches 18.
   Although they are kids, they knew that holy crap, I could kill someone, but nope, not one backed out. If they are imprisoned a long time, enough for their brains to mature, they may only learn how to become a real thug and society pays as it will but for how long is up to a jury at this point. Allowing them out with pay back restrictions, put it back on them.