Tuesday, April 5, 2016

YOUR kids aRe Pushed OUT of schools !!!

      Recently I was reminded about something that has been going on for generations. This is really not new. Have you been told your child, just can't make it here, just isn't up to par, doesn't fit in, doesn't have what it takes academically and on and on ?
      Kids who live in the city and country, suburban, urban, whatever the label is-it happens everywhere to any student. It happens more to kids who have parents who no longer have the fight or resources               and who just don't know any better so they believe what they're told by the schools.
    It's true we're not all straight A students. But the funding is there to use to help students do a whole lot better, but schools would rather spend the excess on students who "make them proud". Football, soccer, softball, basketball, Musically inclined and high academic achiever students. Those kids will receive scholarships. Less than average students will be shown the door. School receive funds, extra funds for special ed students and receive tax credits for the same.
   Then there are the behavior students who give some problems, sometimes very serious. What's done with them ? They are sent to a behavior school and might, just might receive a diploma from such a school. Their future job will know they graduated from such a school and so what chances do they have to get a good job?
    I have recently have learned a bout a school , NEW STORY. This school is set up for kids with autism and serious emotional needs and kids attend all day long. Within this school a student can attend until age 22, not only learning academics, but social and vocational skills. An Apartment is set up in a room and another room has tools and on it goes to fit all needs.
    My biggest questions is why don't all school build such a system within every district in every school in every state ? Second why does a student have to wait to lean vocational skills in either the ninth or tenth grade? BUT that's only if they are academically and behaviorally ready? So during all of the early years they cannot seem to meet the academic challenges, and of course they can't get into a vocational school.
    OUR system is screwed up for all of the students who are less than those who bring the money in, the almighty dollar! Do not, any longer allow a school to push your student through! Fight, fight and fight some more. I was told the only reason my child was still in the school was because I owned a home in this district . That too is bull crap. What about all of the other students ? Contact the ACLU-Contact The EDUCATION LAW CENTER- CONTACT your NEWSPAPER. Good Luck !

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