Sunday, September 21, 2014

Why Don't They...IEP's Special Ed

       Have you ever been to a Special Olympics Bowling game and No I am not specifically talking Special Olympics, but using that as a comparison. By the way if you have a child with Emotional problems they too can join and believe me, they feel not only at home, but after a while a leader.

      I'm not a teacher or a parent who has a child with special needs. My kids are grown and on their own. But I work in foster care and have learned so much about the problems in schools. These kids just don't get out!
      Do you have to be a good academic student with average intelligence to get outside and play in sports or get get fresh air? It appears so. So for kids who have so many issues, anything from PTSD, to Oppositional Defiance Disorder, to Autism and many more get stuck inside all day. Six hours at least in chairs. These are educators. Get them out. Ask for it in their IEPS !!!
    When each child has to have an eval, ask the doctor to recommend  a half an hour morning and afternoon outside play time. Then you have room to compromise to fifteen minutes. If enough kids with IEP"s Have their doctors recommend outside time as necessary to emotional growth, I believe it can be done.
   Other "wise" the statements are in meetings, there isn't any time, we crunch classes as it is. Sure but at what expense. Let those children have school days as long as any other child and then you not only have the time, but happier children who will want to do more in school. It can be added in the IEP, that should a child be so out of control, he or she can only go to the gym that day for safety reasons.
    Men, where are you? Too many kids in these schools do not have any use for female teachers because in many situations it's mom who is missing as well as dad but yet these kids listen to men more. Fear or do they want a male role model? Same with female students.
    Please chnage the IEP's. When I asked about my little guy going out for recess type time, I was told, they don't have enough time in the day. IN an IEP, they will make time.
   Last note, about Special Olympics and funding...why can't schools get the same kind of funding? They fund football games after all, soccer, basketball and what about your child?

Monday, September 8, 2014

Stifling Education-Overloaded Stimulation

      As I sat at my computer listening to this guy which I never do, sit and listen that is, it hit me. We all educate to some degree, but we are not school teachers. Kids are made to sit and listen in an environment that is stifling.
      When I last went into a room for a child with  add/adhd it was filled, loaded, overloaded with stimulation, colors, books, colors, papers, games, chairs, tables, colors, sitting corners for relaxing and this was top to bottom.
     Not my first time in a class such as this and they are all the same. Another one had computers in it along with all of the other stuff. What in the world are the trying to do? These are classes for kids who can't, don't and won't sit still and as educators don't they know kids aren't meant to sit still ? So what do they do, antagonize kids with all of the stuff surrounding them. I'm sure not intentional, but possibly to peak their creative minds ? Yet, aren't those same children taking ideas from what's already been done instead of being creative on their own. Yes, I know, society does the same.
    Yet in a class it's different.
Start with a blank slate. Give kids a drawing, writing pad and pens, pencils and let them go for  a few  days. Let them talk to one another. I know teachers, you have to give a schedule of what you have to teach, but does it have to be so scheduled and the same, over and over again?
     Ask them at the start; What do you want to learn? Yes I know again they have to learn and pass certain subjects, but make it more enjoyable, and then maybe you'll enjoy it more too as when you first had that passion to teach.