Saturday, July 30, 2022

Stand UP

        This may appear familiar to many so I'm not taking credit for this. I watch Law and Order SUV as often as I can, and this show, the story line probably affects millions of people. A young girl was raped in a college dorm, and yes alcohol was involved. In this story the guys stuck together until finally came forth and admitted the truth. Prior to that he and his friends had the whole school and teachers believing that the girl lied.

       I'll get to the end. The young girl asked the detective to come to her school and talk to students about this crime. At the end the detective said to the students, please close your eyes.  If you've even been a victim of a crime, stand up, if you've ever been bullied, stand up. if you've ever been assaulted, stand up and finally, if you've ever been Raped, stand up. Most of the assembly of college students stood up.

        Open your eyes they were told next. Slowly they all opened their eyes and looked around at all of the victims. Most of them appeared surprised at just how many were actual victims. Suddenly one young man stood and said, I thought she meant yes when she said no, and yet another young man stood very slowly saying, I was afraid not to go along with the rest. 

      Then a young lady stood up, facing the one who brought the detective to the school and said that she too was raped a few years ago and felt shame, disgrace, no longer good enough, but added an apology, telling this latest victim that she was sorry not to have believed her, especially since it was just the same way things happened to her.

           Stand Up! IF you are a victim of any crime, say something, tell someone, and keep telling someone! No one mentioned family crimes of sexual assault, molestation and Rape, but it's been happening for many, many years and still is happening. Tell, tell, and tell again. You never know who you may be helping.  It's not your fault, it was never your fault. Fear becomes your second worst enemy. Tell!