Saturday, September 2, 2017

Mattress Firm, Positive and Negative

          As I sit here at 8:05 P.M. on a Saturday evening waiting for me mattress set, I'm sure you can tell this is the negative. It was to be delivered between 5&7 P.M. Calling the store I spoke with Josh a floating manager, who was sincere and apologetic. I was satisfied with him and really didn't need to speak with anyone else. He returned my call and let me know that now, my bed would arrive around 9:10 P.M. !!!   He handled me, if that's what we call it when they do what they need to do, but suddenly I hear a voice in the background and Josh is apologizing saying it's the manager, John. What, he didn't trust Josh  to do his job.?
         As I was being handed over to John, I was saying, why so he can give me his spiel? But john had the phone, and sad no, it's not a spiel. He went on to let me know he'd refund my delivery fee. I was upset at now having an after nine o'clock delivery, but didn't show it in my voice except to say, two hours late? John went on with well, we don't know what happened, the truck could have broken down, the weather etc. Okay fine, so why not have someone one who was involved in the actual delivery give me a courtesy call? There is no excuse except, how it feels, screw her, she can wait!

      That's how it feels. I went a step further and told John, I'm taking this a step further, how about the frame for free? He said a sharp and firm, NO! He went on about how I received a fair price, already reduced, that the set was already half price. Everyone received the sale price! The only difference was with Carl changing a few numbers to keep it under six hundred.

      Okay then someone is lying. Carl the store manager from mechanicsburg told me it was regularly 699. for the set. So how is 450. half price?  The reason the frame was reduced and delivery was reduced is because my total cost came to over six hundred and Carl didn't want to do a deposit so he very kindly worked it out so my card was charged just under  what I wanted to pay, not over six hundred ! Carl? I would work with him anytime and Josh as well, but not John as it appeared to me he was a tad bit arrogant. Sure he acted polite yet arrogant.
      Two hours late is worth more than a 55.12 delivery fee-My TIME is just as important.
I realize delivery people have to be paid, but this is completely inexcusable! TWO HOURS LATE !

     Carl! My experience as a sales manager which he was,  was more than nice as he wasn't pushy, gave me plenty of space if I wanted to browse, answered questions without trying to persuade. He was classy, well mannered and well dressed. Carl is the kind of salesperson to go to, the kind of person who makes a person feel comfortable when shopping. Thank You Carl, Thank you Josh.