Sunday, July 16, 2017

Rev. Joe and The Road Crew

       A few years ago a young man named Kevin Griffin passed away at age thirty-nine of AML, a cancer, also know as leukemia. Kevin left behind a nine year old daughter,  and his father died racing across the street to see him, the night before Kevin died.
       Kevin worked for the MTA in Staten Island New York. A few years ago, Kevins mom and I went to that bus station on Staten Island to talk to someone about a book I wrote which would donate a dollar of every sale to Cancer. We were waiting, and waiting after being told, I'll get the boss, but no one came. This happened a total of three times, and finally Kevins mom cried asking me how can they be so disrespectful to not even say, not interested, but to keep us standing in the hot sun, a disgrace.

       So I'm still trying and have about 45 books, sold one, gave away three or four. I wrote The Jelly Bean Forest and gave all of those away to kids.

      Here I am asking, imagine asking to buy a book? I grew up in Brooklyn and many have similar stories. This book is about a great crew of guys who are friends, because friends, and Aunt Sandy who still lives in Brooklyn, is Kevins mom and is a wise cracking care taker of this crew. They meet all kinds of obstacles to help people being thrown out on the street.  I'm sure anyone can connect with many of the people in the book, some are real. You decide whats true and what isn't.
    Please pay through paypal to doozybags, 13.99 plus 2. S&H I hope to be in Brooklyn in about a month but for now, please take time, buy then ready this book that is set in Brooklyn, Staten Island and Long Island with a grave digger. Enjoy